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CHOICE “CitizensHipcOmpetences to tackle clImateChangEs”

CHOICE is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Action Call KA220-SCH: Cooperation partnership in school education

Project duration: 24 month, from December 2021 to November 2023

Partnership: 8 partners from 5 EU countries: Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Turkey.

The project supports the creation of new awareness, competence and skills to actively and knowingly engage students in climate change mitigation actions.

Aim of the project

Support the development of the citizenship competences of primary and secondary school students, enabling them to do their part in the fight against climate change through the adoption of sustainable behaviours. Raise awareness on climate change.

Project objectives

  • Define an innovative Set of Citizenship Education Activities on Climate Change to be implemented in primary and secondary schools, involving students, teachers and families, for the development of sustainable behaviours aiming to contribute to tackle climate changes through the reduction of CO2 emissions;
  • Upskill schoolteachers enabling them to successfully contribute to develop citizenship competences in their students;
  • Foster the establishment of school-families alliances as a joint effort to contribute to raise awareness on climate change;
  • Support European policies on climate change.


The main result of the CHOICE project is the creation of a Set of Citizenship Education Activities on Climate Change.

After the definition of the main relevant citizenship competences in the context of climate change, we are preparing a series of educational paths that will be used by teachers with primary and secondary school students.

In order to better design and validate the set of activities, we need to collect your feedback on the set of activities and on the teachers’ skill gaps regarding citizenship education on climate change!

If you are a teacher or a school manager, you will have access, once completed, to the CHOICE’s Set of educational activities, thus acquiring new training methods and techniques for the integration of the selected citizenship education activities in your teaching practice! Moreover, you will be in invited to one of the multiplier event of the project!

If you are a parent, you will benefit indirectly through your kids who will raise awareness on climate change, learning together with them how we can help environmental conservation in our day-to-day life and adopt more sustainable habits!

All of you will collaborate to the improvement of the educational tools that will be delivered to the students, thus contributing to the adoption of more sustainable behaviours to tackle climate changes through the reduction of CO2 emissions.

CHOICE leaflet

We have published CHOICE leaflet in which you can read about the project, its aim and objectives.

Check below to read and download the CHOICE leaflet!

CHOICE 1st Press Release

To get to know better CHOICE project, you can also read our Press Release! It details the project’s aims and objectives, as well as giving an overview of the project’s foreseen activities and of the Consortium partners!

Read the Press Release here.