Consorzio Ro.Ma.

Consorzio Ro.Ma., is a Vocational Education and Training provider and a business consulting organization founded in 2003. During the years it is specialized in the planning, design, delivery, management, monitoring and evaluation of training paths at various levels.
In the field of School Education Consorzio deals with the training and updating of skills of the school teachers in activities aimed at encourage the innovation in teaching at the level of strategies, methodologies and teaching tools.
In the field of Adult Education it works for improving the high-quality learning opportunities of low-skilled adults and to validate skills acquired through informal and / or non-formal learning pathways.
In the field of Vocational and Educational Training it carries out training activities with the aim of social and working inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion.
Consorzio Ro.Ma also supports the businesses and the organizations for implementing of training plans finalized to skills upgrading and dissemination of business development plans.