How sustainable are our food habits? CHOICE Online Training on contemporary dietary lifestyles

Indeed, our food choice and diet have an impact on the environment. In our modern, interconnected world, we can find produce that has been cropped far away and shipped to our local food supplier, as well as new culinary tendencies are easily spread through social media and the Internet. But what impact do have our choices on the environment?

The world is getting more and more interconnected. This means that different sectors often have a direct impact on each other. This is exactly what is happening to food production and distribution chain: the agricultural and farming industries have their own (often overlooked) consequences on the climate.

The high demand of ready-to-eat food, and the huge supply of the modern food distribution chain is burdening the environment and negatively impacting climate change. For instance, farming livestock for meat consumption has a heavier impact on the environment than crops. Nonetheless, crops and produce can also have a negative impact on the environment. For example, avocados have become increasingly popular in the past few years, skyrocketing the global demand and the fruit’s price on the market. But is it sustainable for the environment to grow avocados in different climate zones than its original one? And how sustainable it is to ship avocados to remote corners of the world?

Indeed, western eating attitudes not only negatively affect eating behaviours of children, but significatively increase CO2 emissions, as most of food is being produced in different countries where consumed. If added to the fact that the large livestock farming facilities and intensive cultivation plants facilitate unhealthy eating lifestyle, thus increasing the consume of friendly climate change food, a concrete relationship between food production and climate change can be established. For this reasons, children, families and the whole school environment should be educated to healthy eating attitudes. Indeed, this training course session will show how unhealthy eating affects climate change, presenting alternative possibilities and the application of educational programs to promote healthy lifestyle. 

In the context of the Online Training sessions, CHOICE project is holding an open and free Online Training session on food production and supply sustainability with Consortium partner Consorzio Ro.Ma, on February 6th, 16-18 CET. If you want to participate, you just need to register and you will receive the invitation to attend the training session!