IMS Giordano Bruno is a state high-secondary school, located in the north-eastern part of Rome. There are 1400 students attending the several educational courses offered by our school. Students are 14 to 18-19 years old, they can choose among courses focusing on the learning of foreign languages (English, Spanish, French, German and Chinese ( taught with the support of mother-tongue teachers and labs), courses specialized in scientific subjects and the use of modern laboratories (Science, Physics, Maths and Computer Science), courses whose main classes are about Anthropology and Social Studies or music courses where to learn how to play musical instruments and to sing.
120 teachers work at Giordano Bruno. We can define our school as a community of teachers interested in students’ education and personal development. Lots of projects are carried out every year to offer our learners interesting and modern activities. Over the years IMS G. Bruno has become a major reference point for this area and beyond by promoting values based on acceptance and inclusion, providing students with the cultural tools for approaching school subjects with a critical, historical and systematic perspective and a greater awareness of the socio-economic reality of our globalized world.
Curricular and extra-curricular activities contribute to our students’ complete human and civil formation. For this reason, our school engages in a variety of projects linked to the European Union, legality, new technologies and languages that stimulate individual talents and promote the acquisition of culture in a broader sense.
IMS G. Bruno has always been willing to cooperate with educational and formative agencies to improve the school quality, efficacy and efficiency so it promotes the development of relations with Institutions, Associations and Agencies through the realization of projects jointly.