Sustainability and Information Technology: CHOICE Online Training on Green IT

Nowadays, Internet and IT devices are everywhere, in our pockets as well as in our houses, workplaces and streets. One might overlook the environmental impact that high-tech appliances have: they consume energy and can be difficult to properly dispose of. CHOICE partner CTI is holding an online training on how to mitigate the environmental impact of IT devices and Internet, starting from what we can change for a more sustainable lifestyle.

One of the most peculiar and quintessential features of our times is how embedded Internet and Information Technology are at every level of society and our lives. In fact, we often refer to our current era as the Third Industrial Revolution, or Digital Revolution, a name that expresses the extent of the role played by the Internet and IT in our world: think about our smartphones, computers, but also all the „smart” devices that are out there, such as cars, household appliances and much more. Furthermore, the development of new IT applications is a growing trend, so we can only expect the sector to grow and diversify in many different fields and applications.

Although progress in IT and communication technology is beneficial, we need to consider its impact on the environment and how sustainable is the whole chain of manufacturing, use, management and disposal of IT. It is tempting to assume that electric devices do not have such an impact on the environment, but IT and Internet have a considerable impact, both direct (like resource mining for manufacturing and disposal practices) and indirect (like energy consumption).

Erasmus+ CHOICE project is working on improving students’ skills and citizenship competences in regard of sustainability and ecology, to provide them with the tools they need to lead more sustainable lifestyle and contribute positively in the fight against climate change. In this context, CHOICE is organising a series of online trainings for teachers focused on different aspects of sustainability.
The 3rd online training will be held by CHOICE partner CTI and it will focus on Green IT, introducing notions related to IT devices production and usage, as well as the issues of disposing and recycling components. Furthermore, the training will also explore the concept of digital pollution, which comprises the energy consumption devoted to IT devices’ usage.

The CHOICE Online Training session on Green IT with CTI will be held on January 17th, 2023, 16-18 CET. The training is open and free of charge! To participate, registration is required prior the event.