The importance of Soil health for environmental sustainability: CHOICE Online Training session „Soil: where Life begins”

There are many environmental challenges ahead of us, but one that might not come to mind as one of the most urgent ones is soil degradation. CHOICE Online Training session with Nina Baumgartner from Istituto Massimo will focus around soil degradation and how important it is for environmental sustainability.

Global warming, pollution, deforestation – these are all well-known aspects of the environmental crisis that we face right now. Yet, very few have noticed the elephant in the room: soil degradation. This is the most immediate challenge before us. All terrestrial life, including ours, is sustained by just a few inches of topsoil. For the extremely fragile life that we are, our actions have been too reckless, raining unprecedented damage upon this precious resource. Did you know that there are more organisms in a teaspoon of soil than there are people on our Planet?

The good news is that we can reverse this catastrophe if we act now.
While there are ongoing campaigns to awaken citizens around the world to the state of soil, and to urge their governments to frame and execute the necessary policies to regenerate soil, there is also an urgent need to educate students at all levels. Thus, the CHOICE Online Training session aims to offer competences on the fundamental ecological value of Soil, but also practical tools for teachers who want to address the health of our Soil in their classes, in order to grow an ecologically conscious generation. During this training, we will connect with Soil, the mother of  87% of living organisms on Earth, and we’ll explore ways for raising awareness in the younger generations and stimulate a call to action for its protection.

CHOICE Online Training session on soil degradation with Nina Baumgartner will be held on January 25th, 15-17 CET. The training is an open participation and free of charge event. All you need to do to participate is to register and attend the online class!